Victoria Galasso
The Glass Ceiling
Concept: Women’s Equality in the Workplace
The glass-ceiling
concept was an idea that was coined by the Wall Street Journal
in 1986. A glass ceiling, defined in simplest terms is an invisible
boundary that prevents women from being promoted. In the corporate
world, women face challenges to rise up into powerful positions,
despite equal amounts of education and qualifications. Women in the
professional world have long struggled to become top earners, simply
because they are women. The glass-ceiling concept can be described in
many ways, all definitions are describing the oppression of women in
the work place. Women still make less than men in equal positions of
work. For every dollar a man makes, a woman will make .80 cents, on
average. “The average earnings of men grow far more quickly than
the average earnings of women,” says Weinberg.1
A study was
conducted, titled “Research Disputing Conventional Views on Gender”
by Morgan and consulted by Weinberger in 1998 to view the differences
in women’s wages and salary growth2.
Weinberger tested ested the concept of the glass ceiling among women
young and old, against men in the same positions. Wages and salary
growth were tested in terms of promotions. “One versions of the
discrimination hypothesis postulates that a “glass ceiling”
blocks the entry of women into the very highest level of the
occupational hierarchy.”3
Jennifer Weinberger is an independent scholar affiliated with the
Institute of Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research at the
University of California- Santa Barbara who conducted this research
in the 1990s. In Weinberger’s research she explored why there are
gender gaps to begin with. Her focus was “to turn attention away
from the size of the gender gap in earnings and toward understanding
its evolution within each cohort of women over time.” 4
The study she conducted focused on women and men both young and old,
with college degrees in the 1990’s. The glass ceiling in this
definition means that women have invisible boundaries that prevent
them from reaching the highest position or being promoted. Another
important question Weinberger asked in her study was if motherhood
played a role in creating a glass ceiling.
variables in Weinberger’s study included sex, age, educational
attainment, college major, measures of labor force attachment,
parenting status, and indicators of career progress.5
She took into consideration that an occupation like a lawyer would
tend to have a greater difference in women to men based on the
historically lesser population of women in the field. Within the
cohort of lawyers in their thirties during the 1980 census, the
salary to gender gap tripled by the 1990 census. Within the cohort
who were in their thirties during the 1990 census, the salary to
gender gap did not grow at all before the 2000 census.6
This means that the gender gap, or difference in salaries between men
and women based on promotions, has not reached a better equilibrium
since 1980. In this professional field, the salary-gender gap
increased, but did not go back down by the year 2000.
As time passes, conditions under the glass ceiling get worse for
women. Women in their thirties are getting married, settling down
with a partner and beginning to raise a family which can require them
to take time off from working. “Decreasing levels of parenting
responsibility seems to contribute to the strong earnings growth
among older women.” 7
As women age they were gaining back the recognition they had lost in
the time they took off to raise their children. The worst demographic
to be is a woman in her thirties in the professional world and the
struggle seems to lift after child-bearing years. Which is what the
glass ceiling in this example describes, that women lose job
gratitude and respect, unfairly simply because they had a personal
The numbers of women who have obtained high-ranking positions are
only at 7% in the professional population of the United States. Some
important factors that play into the formation of the glass ceiling
for women workers are a lack of mentoring of women by male superiors,
sex stereotyping, and views that associate masculine traits with
leader effectiveness8.”
To change this a main idea would be to gain insight into how the
bosses’ view their female employees when it comes to family-work
research found in Hoobler, Wayne and Lemmon’s Bosses’
Perceptions of Family-work Conflict and Women’s Promotability:
Glass Ceiling Effects shows that “promotions to higher
organizational levels were associated with greater masculinity and
that having children meant less career success for women but more
career success for men.9”
Bosses’ perceptions of women were that they needed time to build
their families and were less dependable than the men of equal
qualifications. They focused their research on the subconscious
thought of corporations’ leaders “think leader, think male.”
These ideas contributed to stereotypes that women are “less
committed,” or “less invested in their career” because of
their “child rearing responsibilities.10”
are discriminated against in various ways no matter what industry,
which perpetuates glass ceiling concept. Women can see promotions as
goals but they aren’t receiving them in equal numbers, and the men
are always on the floor above in the professional world. Multiple
research studies have shown that a female employee’s personal life
is taken into greater consideration than a male employee’s. Yet
when a man’s personal life does enter into work affairs, he is
rewarded for his father role. If a man’s wife is about to have a
baby “he is actually more likely to receive a promotion11”
because the boss knows he’ll need a higher salary; while a pregnant
woman would be less likely to receive a promotion. There is a direct
relationship between the bosses’ perception of the worker and their
promotability, thus providing an example explanation for the glass
glass-ceiling concept also defines why women have been forced into
and always associated with pink-collar jobs. Pink-collar jobs are
those that have been historically associated with female labor, such
as maids, teachers, stewardesses, and sex workers, just to name a
few. Since women make less money than men in professional
occupations, women are discouraged from going to college, or seeking
higher ranking positions in the professional fields. This idea only
furthers stereotypes of women in low-wage, pink-collar jobs.
particular “pink-collar” job, teaching, illustrates another
concept that hinders women’s progress in the workplace—the “glass
escalator” concept. In the beginning of the 20th century, teachers
were underpaid, under qualified and not respected. By the end of the
century however it was a higher-paid, higher-status profession12.
Men began to teacher as well which only created more inequality for
women with the glass escalator concept. This means that men in this
field will rise up into high paying, well respected positions at a
much quicker rate than women, despite the fact that women have served
in the teaching profession longer.
glass-ceiling concept is defined in several ways because it is a
complex idea that is not easily defined. Since it is not easily
defined, it cannot be easily solved and inequality continues for
women in the workplace. Through promotions, salaries and stereotypes,
women are treated unfairly because of their biology, creating
inequality in the workplace.
Weinberger, In Search of pg.967
Catherine J. Weinberger, In Search of the Glass Ceiling: Gender
and Earning Growth Among U.S. College Graduates in the 1990s,
Industrial and labor Relations Review, Vol. 64 No. 5 (October
2011) by Cornell University, pg. 949
Weinberger, In Search of the, pg. 949-950
Weinberger, In Search of the, pg. 952
Weinberger, In Search of the, ph. 962
Weinberger, In Search of the, pg. 965
Hoobler, Wayne, Lemmon Bosses’ Perceptions pg. 940
Hoobler, Wayne, Lemmon Bosses’ Perceptions pg. 941
Hoobler, Wayne, Lemmon Bosses’ Perceptions pg. 943
Jacobs, Gender Inequality in the Workplace, pg. 383
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